
Premium Content Producer
- Someone who uses skills in sound editing, animation, and video production to take those puzzle pieces, combine them with other things, and make them into a song, video, or animated movie.
- Someone who has made 7 or more thoughtful and/or entertaining sound files for use on shows.
- Description of your release in your own HabboHut Herald blurb
- Your own folder in the Premium Content Producers section of the HabboHut Library
- A premiere of your work on a HabboHut Radio Show: Skype conversation with "HabboHutSkype" during the radio show, when your project is premiered. (Show choice / DJ acceptance to be negotiated with BarbaraAnne)
- More library storage space
- Private forum for Premium Content Producers to follow up on discussions in the Idea Lab class
- Permission to use the signature: HabboHut Premium Content Producer
- Profile Blurb with habbo name, home hotel, list of completed projects, and multimedia-production interests on a special page
The Idea Lab: Make Art
- A laboratory for experimental thought, this is a special class, mentored by BarbaraAnne, where Premium Content Producers will meet in a chat room to think up new projects, develop small workgroups, and set a production schedule for HabboHut to launch their work. It will be held on the first Wednesday of every month. Workgroups can meet with BarbaraAnne, in chat and in the private forum, as needed.