# MySQL dump 4.0 # # Host: localhost Database: freeradio #-------------------------------------------------------- use freeradio; # # Table structure for table 'Author' # CREATE TABLE Author ( author_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, username varchar(10), firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), email varchar(50), profile longblob, date timestamp(14), PRIMARY KEY (author_id) ); # # Dumping data for table 'Author' # # # Table structure for table 'Guestbook' # CREATE TABLE Guestbook ( guestbook_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, guestbook_text mediumblob, firstname varchar(255), lastname varchar(255), email varchar(50), url varchar(100), date timestamp(14), PRIMARY KEY (guestbook_id) ); # # Dumping data for table 'Guestbook' # INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (1,'This site is great. I really like to relax with\n the folks after a day\'s work. ','littleflygirl','','','',19981224174425); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (2,'SIR, I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE YOU CALL A \"GUN\nNUT\" JUST BECAUSE I HUNT AND HAVE A SHOTGUN OR IS IT BECAUSE I HAVE A MUZZLE L\nOADER FOR CIVIL WAR REANACTING (YANKEE/REBAL) YOU MOST PREACH ABOUT THE EVILS O\nF GUNS WHEN THIS COUNTRY FORMEDIN 1776 THE PEOPLE WHO DIED FOR LIBERTY YOURS AN\nD MINE ALMOST ALL OF THEM OWNED THEIR WEAPONS. IF YOU TAKE AWAY THE GUNS WE WIL\nL BECOME CATTLE, HITTLER BANNED GUNS AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO THE JEWS.

P.S\n. YOU CAN HAVE MY GUN WHEN YOU PRY MY COLD DEAD FINGERS FROM IT,','MIKE','BIRD','','',19981226040056); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (3,'Mr. Bird. Those people (in 1776, a mostly illiterate population), lead by a few wealthy and educated land owners, died for independence from British taxation, not necessarily \"liberty.\" Rifles and Muskets were needed to shoot for food, and to defend against Indian attack. Firearms were also very expensive in that time and many citizens who joined the rebellion actually carried farm implements onto the battlefield.

Hitler enacted much civil law for German citizens during the wartime years, only one of which had to do with halting of private firearm purchases. All factories, gunsmithing or not, were converted to wartime usage. The animosity toward the Jewish people of Nazi Germany had existed long before national gun control in Germany. Ironically if your assumption is true about the Jewish people being unarmed, precluded their slaughter by Hitler, why is that most Jewish homes are unarmed today? It is their choice, like many of us who refuse to join the shooting frenzy by further supporting the firearms industry. It was Hitler\'s popularity among the Arian citizenry that won him his battles and allowed him to persecute people, it was speech that won over the souls of the German people, just as speech was the most powerful tool of our Revolutionary war. If there is a lesson from Nazi Germany, for the Jewish people, it is \"remain politically active.\" And the Jewish people are more politically active today than at any time in history - they learned their lesson. If there is a Hitler today . . . his name is N.R. A., and he watches as hundreds and thousands of citizens are killed and wounded each year by gun shot wound, in a nation that is supposedly at peace. He knows which class of people are dying and getting wounded the most, and he refers to them as \"those people anyway.\" He encourages the continued sale of more than 5 million firearms per year within our borders, and when people shoot each other, he blames it on \"the public\'s lack of responsibility.\" ','Mr.','Jimmy','james@radiofreemonterey.org','http://www.radiofreemonterey.org',19981230140639); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (4,'','Mary J.','Junana','stoner420@hemphill.com','',19990101205118); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (5,'RFM rules!','Jokerman','','Jokerman@redshift.com','',19990104013659); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (6,'RFM rules!','Jokerman','','Jokerman@redshift.com','',19990104013706); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (7,'I am an NRA member and have been since before the Brady incident. I\'ve always been open minded and realistic. I have never thought that assault weapons were needed by anyone but the military and that handguns were for comjpetition shooting and the military only. I do believe in backround checks for all weapons, (if your a criminal you shouldn\'t have access to any kind of gun). I do however believe that rifles and shotguns for hunting are acceptable. I don\'t mind if the magazines or capacities for shotguns and rifles are restricted (if yo have to shoot more than twice you need practice anyway). I think what irritates me most is that everyone in the NRA seems to be thrown into the militia/right wing category. I am socially moderate, environmentally liberal and economically conservative. I think I hardly qualify as an NRA \"NUT\" although I very definately agree that they are out there. I have no problem with your website although I don\'t totally agree with everything you say I do understand the psychology behind the city/country analysis you make. The wonderful thing about this county, and I think you\'ll agree is that we have the right to disagree and I think this \"gun\" issue will work itself out, I may be considered naive but I am optomistic. What do you think?','Phillip','Cole','pslc@widomaker.com','',19990104210306); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (8,'You are not a selfish person Mr. Cole. Your concern for all citizens of this country is a stark contrast to most letters I receive from gun owners. That is apparent in your compromise positions on the matter of Gun Control. A true \"gun nut\" is completely selfish with regards to those reasonable restrictions which you are in favor of. I am optimistic also, in recent years is has become safer in America, and we are headed in the proper direction with laws like: \"cooling off\" periods, background checks, increased costs of Federal Firearms (sales) Licenses, reduced magazine capacities, one gun per month laws in states that have been popular among gun runners, trigger locks, parental punishment laws (when children get hold of firearms), restrictions on Gun Shows, increased funding for the ATF and the FBI to track and research the firearms industry, and most importantly an economy which produces less urban and rural despair in the form of jobs living wage jobs for all people.

A reduction in deaths and wounding is all I seek. A safer country to walk around in, where there is not a vicious cycle of fear and self arming in response to fear.

Sign on to the RFM Chat room sometime, you are welcome there!

Take Care.

James','Mr. Jimmy','','james@radiofreemonterey.org','http://www.radiofreemonterey.org',19990105145718); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (9,'read your article about home growing; enjoyed it very much. wanted to say thanks and hope to see more. from Ottawa,Canada. thanks again hope it works as well for me as it did for you. appreciate the info. Wil ','william','smith','smith@direct-intenet.net','',19990109003457); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (10,'You should know that the National Guard is NOT the modern day incarnation of the militia envisioned by the writers of the constitution.The U.S. Army defines the National Guard as a reserve component of the Active Army and as such is subject to deployment overseas as done during the Persian Gulf War. If you do not believe this fact, go to the nearest National Guard unit and look at their uniforms. They\'ll say U.S. Army or U.S. Air Force,in the case of Air National Guard units,and not\"Your State Here Militia\". A modern example of a militia would be the Vietnamese citizens armed by the goverment and told to shoot at airplanes,which they did with reckless abandon.They even shot at neutral aircraft carrying reporters coming to show how the Vietnamese people were faring in an overmatched war. The Second Amendment doesn\'t cause people to commit crimes.They decide to because they believe others don\'t deserve what they have as much as the criminal does. Punish them and leave me out of it,Mr.Mason. I didn\'t influence anyone to buy a gun on the black market,that choice is far more out of my hands than it is for the guardians of the juveniles that do so. ','Doug','Hesson','doughesson@yahoo.com','',19990109145559); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (11,'Whats up uncle roger','David','','dietschJr','',19990109212047); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (12,'','Curtis','Tibbs','tibbsc@hotmail.com','compuserve',19990110164359); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (13,'found this site through \"james grow at home\" page i live on the other side of the US but still appreciate what cool staitons like this one can do for an uninformed society G.P. 420 ','Green Panthers','','','',19990111092104); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (14,'Hey, love this place, don\'t get to stop in as often as I would like, but enjoy the company and music. You guys are great, take it easy :) ','Sarlock T.','Icedragon','','www.1stinterstate.com/sarlock',19990111202325); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (15,'','josh','','','',19990114155641); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (16,'PIRATE RADIO!!!!!!!!! :-) ahhhhh.. from a corporate standpoint... I can say that you are doing what I would liek to do on our airwaves :P heheheh

Take it easy!

E. Bishop KDON Radio','Bishop','KDON','modemman@redshift.com','www.redshift.com/~modemman1',19990114190741); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (17,'October 24th 1999 Here we go again! A rally on the Capitol steps in DC, organized by activists in support to an end of secrecy about UFOs, zero-point energy, hemp, HAARP, mind control, out of control military spending and other related issues. Spread the word. Be there. Bring your gas mask, Be ready for anything! ','Remy','Chevalier','endsecrecy@hotmail.com','http://www.endsecrecy.com',19990125114455); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (18,'You can make a statement of abolishment of our 2nd amendment.... I read your web page. It makes since but government should strongly intervene in who get\'s what as far as firearms. If people would sit down and educate their individual selfs on the dangers of firearms that in is self would cut down severely on the misuse of firearms.

There will not be an Holocaust at my house. If only those citizens were allowed the right to own firepower (the right not the requirement).

Some you do what your have to do to enforce so-called control because DRUGS rule and as long as DRUGS are around guns will be invented in garages and abused. Let\'s make mandatory birth- control and thugs would be a thing of the past in about 20 years.

Is anybody hearing this if someone with a gun wants to kill and no gun is handy a fist, knife, cast iron skillet will do the trick.

Your web page made no mention of the \"silent\" killer which is as widespread as guns. Please look at some of the most notorious murders in history \"THEY WERE NOT BY GUNS\" (i.e. Manson, OK bombing, O.J. Simpson, Daimer etc.)

So before you and your group want the 2nd amendment abolished just think, before you know it a right granted on to you will be revoked.

It not a gun issue it\'s a legal issue the 2nd amendment is there like it or not.

If you ever need a cop hopefully they will by ARMED.','','','cappypp@luxurious.com','',19990128015817); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (19,'Hey, here I am down here in Sydney, Australia. Why? Doing my PhD in safety...away from America\'s out a control gun culture! Hey Mr Clinton and Government...start crackin\' down on gun abusers NOW! Too many crims, too many psychos, too many guns, and TOO EASY ACCESS to those guns!! Act now Government, before the NEXT massacre!!! Regards, Ex-Bronx Boy, Sydney, Australia. ','Ex-Bronx Boy','Age 25','haworth21@hotmail.com','',19990209214037); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (20,'Will be transitioning to the Monterey area. I am a staunch supporter of any independent radio format. Coming from San Diego having lost my dear 92.5FM(the independent) due to the fascist regime of JAYCOR (?JACOR?, I don\'t know how the fuck you spell it but either way it stinks) I\'m in dire need of audio relief. I haven\'t had a chance to hear your format but it has to be better than the so-called \"alternative\" station down here that goes by the name of 91X; the bare-naked ladies (find your damn shirt!) playing, sublime-worshiping (aren\'t they dead yet?!) radio station that sucks the life out of our poor corporate radio saturated souls. Nice site by the way. P.S. I would be interested in any internship\'s you may have to offer. Thanks.','Rob','Downs','robdowns@hotmail.com','',19990211120833); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (21,'You have a nice page going. You might want to think about going to a frame version thoe, for faster load time and it makes if more organised. If you don\'t know how to do frames e-mail me and i\'ll try to tell you how. Good luck on your plants. Keep it free grow for yourself. Steve Petz','Kaldolf','','steve_petz@hotmail.com','http://members.xoom.com/kaldolf/index.htm',19990213001758); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (22,'Kadolf writes: You might want to think about going to a frame version though, for faster load time and it makes if more organised. -----------

I am doing a redesign of the site, A WORK IN PROGRESS. Y\'all can check it out at http://www.radiofreemonterey.org/redesign2

None of the links are active yet, but you can see the overall design idea. I use nested tables because frames don\'t work in a lot of browsers. I\'d be interested to hear what people\'s comments were.

Cheers, :-)

FlyGirl ','littleflygirl','','','',19990213224512); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (23,' love marijuana and remember:un grand homme a dit

\"c\'est l\'histoire d\'un schtroumpf qui coure,qui coure,qui tombe et qui se fait un bleu.\" ','les jumpy','brothers','','',19990216111238); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (24,'Hey, Jimmy and Rog,

I gotta say the web site is lookin\' good these days. I miss hearing RFM, but I\'m getting Web-TV pretty soon, and I can\'t wait to toon in to RFM all the tyme. Stay cool. ','Scott','Tissue','rlewis@adnc.com','http://kcr.sdsu.edu',19990218193440); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (25,'Hey I love the Ralplayer and Site, Its awsome! and Jolly Roger, your the best *Two thumbs up*','Travis','Fry','Emailme@sexalways.com','www.oregoncitylink.com/jedi/jp.html',19990218205913); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (26,'you\'ll be hearing from me ','A Near by colleague','listening','','',19990219172250); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (27,'','Pat','Kelly','www.kellyeugjr@yahoo.com','',19990227101620); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (28,'What a beautiful eclectic place where humor, music, fun and thinking are valued. We need more of this! Carry on, RFM.','Nawalka','','','',19990305223807); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (29,'Just letting you guys know that were watching from up here.','CalgaryM','','ready66@hotmail.com','www.nucleus.com/~mstrate',19990312224525); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (30,'I JUST WANTED TO SAY THAT I LIKE YOUR RADIO STATION','CLIFFORD','BEDILLION','REDDOGGS44@HOTMAIL.COM','',19990315152024); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (31,'Christianne \"Your FAN\" Garofalo','Christianne','','','',19990318000750); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (32,'LUVIN THE PAGE. :) KEEP UP THE CROPS!.. GROWIN NOVICE 007

','iSaIAH','hALpIN','CRAZZZY@HOTMAIL.COM','',19990326035650); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (33,'Hi, cool thing this \"micro radio\" trend. I\'m from Austin and the radio4all site mentions a wmyn station here. I\'m not familiar with it, and unfortunately its link tells all that \"wmyn is shut down for good\" I guess I will never find out more about this station. I noticed \"kind\" micro from San Marcos (30 watts) is only 20 miles away - should drive down and tune it in. Good luck staying on the air !','pat','gafford','pgafford@stic.net','',19990330041211); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (34,'','mexx','mexx','mexx83yahoo fr','',19990401031955); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (35,'','thewidge','','','',19990405233326); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (36,'Your station rocks. The station I was involved with KIND radio Radio Free San Marcos is also available on the net. Check it out sometime. www.mediadesign.net


What have you done today to legalize LPFM !!!','Grigz','','','www.mediadesign.net',19990423215925); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (37,'','tina','torres','','',19990424213924); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (38,'I loved finding you here. As a long time resident of Monterey I have a special fondness for the place. I just stumbled upon you while looking for a song from the sixties band Steppinwolf. Do you take requests?','Gary','Stringer','vanity@kansascity.com','http://kcinter.net/~stringer',19990428214242); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (39,'Dear Sir, I\'m sure you have heard this before, but I wouldn\'t be following the dictates of my principles if I didn\'t say it again. The following is a quote by Thomas Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria: \"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms...disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes...Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.\" While I laud your verve and candor concerning your opinions on the American citizen\'s right to own firearms, I can\'t help but question your objectivity due to the unfortunate instances in your past. Respectfully, Sam Frakes

','Sam','Frakes','sfrakes@netzero.net','http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/cabana/9132/SambosJungle.html',19990507151959); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (40,'Christain Wrongful ','Snake','Pliskan','DrumanBase@AOL.com','',19990508042401); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (41,'did they also go Satelite?','Joe','Bagadoughnuts','Stevel2@Redshift.com','',19990508042633); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (42,'did they also go Satelite?','Joe','Bagadoughnuts','Stevel2@Redshift.com','',19990508042654); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (43,'You guy\'s are funny!

Nice to know your passionate about it!

Although I love Country Music!

LT','Lance','Tidwell','ltidwell@ccmonterey.com','',19990511234441); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (44,'You have the right to feel it is wrong to own firearms. I have the right to own them. Why do we have more gun laws now then we have ever had before and year after year more school shootings and violent crime?

Innocent lives are lost every day to the poison in our schools (drugs). You know we should make that stuff illegal... oh, wait! we did!

Drunk Driving kills thousands! We should do something about that! ok! good we did do something about that!

We should make it illegal to own weapons unless they get permission from the state! Hey how many of those guns did those kids at Columbine register?

Did someone tell them it was illegal?

And where the hell were there parents?

How do you miss your kids building bombs & storing guns? Seems to me unless your deaf & blind or perhaps just not interested in what is going on in your childs life...

Seems more like the latter to me...

?','My Right To Arms','','ltidwell@ccmonterey.com','',19990512002523); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (45,'The Captain is right....low-power radio as conceived by the NABFCC is a farce. More thumpers and lip smakers. Can anyone tell me how it is that a radio station in Twin Falls, Idaho has two translators broadcasting over Las Vegas, Nevada? I remember when Moody Bible College in Chicago was trying to satellite feed hundreds of trans- lators all over the country. Now they\'ve done it. And of course every 1000 watt \"low-power\" LPFM station will want to have at least 100 translators spreading the words. And, if NAB has its way, they will jam all the \"low-power\" stations between 88 and 91 mHz. With all those new translators. What a mess it will be. Yep, small corporations and the thumpers will prevail. Let\'s be real...the auction will drive out all the \"free\" thinkers. Roving bands of pirates will have to come out of the woods again. Except perhaps for Mr. Dunifer.

More power to the corporate world! I vote for 5000000 watt FM stations that will down endangered birds for miles!','Ralph','Hamilton','highmtn@lvdi.net','',19990513171028); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (46,'The Captain is right....low-power radio as conceived by the NABFCC is a farce. More thumpers and lip smakers. Can anyone tell me how it is that a radio station in Twin Falls, Idaho has two translators broadcasting over Las Vegas, Nevada? I remember when Moody Bible College in Chicago was trying to satellite feed hundreds of trans- lators all over the country. Now they\'ve done it. And of course every 1000 watt \"low-power\" LPFM station will want to have at least 100 translators spreading the words. And, if NAB has its way, they will jam all the \"low-power\" stations between 88 and 91 mHz. With all those new translators. What a mess it will be. Yep, small corporations and the thumpers will prevail. Let\'s be real...the auction will drive out all the \"free\" thinkers. Roving bands of pirates will have to come out of the woods again. Except perhaps for Mr. Dunifer.

More power to the corporate world! I vote for 5000000 watt FM stations that will down endangered birds for miles!','Ralph','Hamilton','highmtn@lvdi.net','',19990513171033); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (47,'Thank you Mr. Mason for sharing your thoughts and views on gun control. As you have heard many times it is not the gun it is the society in which we live. I believe a government and a nation which avoid Gods love and laws fall deeper into corruption. To make a long story short i have applied for membership to the NRA this very day. ','Michael','Pyatt','michael_pyatt@yahoo.com','',19990515163447); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (48,'Very well Mr. Prat, and you\'ll be pleased to know I have forwarded your name to dozens of liberal non profits as a potential regular donor!

Have a nice day idiot.',' James','Mason','james@radiofreemonterey.com','http://www.radiofreemonterey.org',19990526010959); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (49,'You had me then lost me when I saw you had Led Zepplin on your hate list.','Kevin','Hibbs','khibbs@audioautographs.com','http://www.audioautographs.com',19990615150649); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (50,'This is great! I hadn\'t seen this sort of concept before, but I love it. Keep up the great work. My comments to the FCC are going out in a moment.','Ron','Kling','dharmabug@hotmail.com','http://home.talkcity.com/InfiniteLoop/coffee-table',19990625012822); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (51,'I own KAOS FM 106.3 . Pirate radio all the way!!','Trevor','Lanes','trevlanes@hotmail.com','members.xoom.com/KAOSFM/',19990703024810); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (52,' Keep it up - plan to join you soon. ..from here @ 98.1 somewhere in New Mexico Great site!!!!!! ','JASON','HAMMOND','SCAIRWAVES@HOTMAIL.COM','',19990720225354); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (53,' Keep it up - plan to join you soon. ..from here @ 98.1 somewhere in New Mexico Great site!!!!!! ','JASON','HAMMOND','SCAIRWAVES@HOTMAIL.COM','',19990720225416); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (54,'Washington State','smokedope','','mgripy@connectcorp.net','',19990728022220); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (55,'Word up all. You guys kick ass, yadda yadda yadda...

Live it up in Cali.

[eleventeen]','[eleventeen]','','eleventeen@home.com','in development',19990804210830); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (56,'Very Funny! You must be budding professionl comic. Your site had me in stitches!!

If it only told the truth and relied on facts instead of emotion, you might have an argument. Apparently USSC decisions on The Bill of Rights as Individual Rights, as well as scholarly research on private firearms ownership is not important to you.

Oh, btw, Don Kates was never at the U of Florida. Gary Kleck, was and still is. He is in favor of gun control, even though his nationally recognized research shows that gun control encourages criminals. I bring this up because it is the easiest lie for you to fix.

Good site for a good laugh.

Your stats on responses is interesting. Those that agree with your position are outnumbered badly? Why do you think this is so?

Thank you','Paul','Bartomioli','satfct@snet.net','www.expage.com/page/rtkba',19990808220129); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (57,'Guns arent the problem.. prozac popping bi polar freaks are the problem in the USA today... ','You','Dont','','',19990810004856); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (58,'Some asshole said: Guns arent the problem.. prozac popping bi polar freaks are the problem in the USA today.. -----------

Gotta tell ya, on my other community I\'d never get away with calling someone an asshole. This is one of the reasons why I love RFM. However, this ignorance concerning bipolar manic depression is offensive. Bipolar people can be treated and can live extremely creative, productive lives, making the world a better place for others. People need love and understanding, not idiotic comments from people whose guns have become substitutes for brains.

Unfortunately, there is no medication to treat that mental condition. ','Flygirl','','','',19990813021044); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (59,'Just so happens that the more excuses you give people such as ADD, BIPOLAR, DEPRESSION, and all that other garbage the more they feel they have a right to govern our morals and our lives with thier liberal garbage. The coast weekly \"Public Fourum\" has this group on here right, Angry and ready to fight, Are these the people we want talking to our children? I certainly am glad i dont live near them or have to deal with them. They are more dangerous then any gun ever could be. ','Danny','','','',19990818122531); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (60,'I am the Executive Director of Marylanders Against Handgun Abuse. In April, we had our web page donated and set up by someone who wanted to help out after Littleton. He linked our page to your site, among several others. In skimming through your material, I felt it was informative and worthwhile.

Today, I received an email from an obviously NRA person looking to make trouble, no doubt. He said he had just checked out our page, and especially liked our link to your site and the nude photo. When I checked, he was right. \"I intend to spread the word that MAHA\'s web site...promotes porn through the various links that they have, and that their web site should be viewed by adults 21or older and read with a big grain of salt.\"

Don\'t you think that this photo defeats your purpose, by giving the other side unnecessary ammo (excuse the pun) with which to cloud the issues?

I would appreciate your response, since I now have to present this to our Board of Directors.

Ginni Wolf MAHA 3000 Chestnut Avenue Suite 203 Baltimore, MD 21211 410-889-1477','Ginni','Wolf','mahaed@aol.com','',19990818143222); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (61,' Hello Ginni, Regarding nude photo link at near bottom of page: http://www.redshift.com/~jamesm2/2nda2.htm

Thank you for you interest in my site and your concern of the site\'s content. I\'m a Maryland born native, my father lives in Baltimore, where gunshots can be heard at various times of the night in his Greenmount Avenue neighborhood. Ironically the pro-gunners complain about the offensiveness of the truly pornographic black and white photo (young black male missing half of his head to gunshot wound) underneath the nude photo in question, and you are the third person in three years (and all three gun control advocates) to express concern about the \"pornography,\" (the nude woman holding a handgun) making \"us look bad.\" The purpose of the photo is to illustrate the documented and very close physiological and psychological relationship between sex and violence, and also the cultural relationship between eroticism and firearms. Men are the great majority of visitors to that site, men who are gun enthusiasts represent perhaps more than 9/10ths of the sites\' visitors. They could also be defined as the \'zealots who protect their Special Interest,\' this is the explanation for the grossly outnumbering angry emails from gun enthusiasts - not uncommon in any social political issue in the United States. For those who are offended by their own definition of pornography there is a categorizing description of each linked photo in the sentences containing their links. This was done purposefully to avoid offense by those who may be offended - giving them choice, just like the magazine stands at the 7-11 store, some nudity, some guns, some race cars and etc.., your choice.

In summary, it is a personal web page. It is an opinion, an essay, not a report, not representing any one organization, not claiming to be factual and is largely argumentative on purely ideological grounds - grounds that Gun Enthusiasts can never win on. You are welcome to link or not link to the page (no one needs permission for a link to another site), I would suggest not, since you and your directors may have concerns about the nude woman photograph.

Thank you for working to make Maryland and the United States a safer place to live. James Mason. ','RFMCaptain resp-->Ginni','','james@radiofreemonterey.org','',19990827222722); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (62,'Hey I am writing in the guestbook and its a perfect 4:44pm WOW! I guess I should write how \"fortunate\" I am to be able to log on to RFM! And how \"funny\" LocoChaqita And JollyMan Roger and Crazy Hair James are! I have a \"frolickly\" wonderful time every chance I get to Join the chat room! (is that a word?) Did you get the whole 444 thing the 3 words starting with \"f\" ah...... to much time on my hands my friends. I love RFM!!!!!! Keep up the good work....mons and monettes :) Your Personal RFM Artist and loose cannon Asst. AmberEve','AmberEve','','bunst@redshift.com','',19990831195207); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (63,'So happy to have great poetry and great poetry CRITIQUE on the web! Kurt, it takes guts -- cojones -- grit -- to essay a criticism of performance poetry, the fair-haired child of popular art, in such a public place as the Internet. Go, man!

By the way, performance poetry in Los Angeles is amazing. L.A. doesn\'t acknowledge poetry as an art form, by and large, and so the poets who survive have to be really good in order to avoid being squeezed out of existence by an intolerant city. Someone make note of this underrated town!!','Katie','Setzer Kamphausen','kskamphausen@hillgilstrap.com','',19990903180008); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (64,'Great site. This is like a cup of cold water in my mid-west conservative Sahara! Great article on Manson!','greg','bliss','blamo45@yahoo.com','network54.com/forum/31861',19990915163202); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (65,'I work for a large company that owns radio stations and television stations in your area. I have always believed that the airwaves belong to the people and we are quickly losing the ability to express ourselves on them. It has been my dream to do exactly what you are doing here in upstate NY. I have been waiting for web radio to get popular so I can have an alternate way to accomplish my dream. Keep up the good work. I\'ll be checking in on your progress.','','','avidfisher@aol.com','',19990922080849); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (66,'Hello James, you probably don\'t remember me but you may remember my puppy on the shore in pebble beach. You mentioned that you may post his .avi in your web site. I was wondering if you are going to post it so i can download it.','Jaime','Noguera','jnoguera@aol.com','',19991006050445); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (67,'Hello James, you probably don\'t remember me but you may remember my puppy on the shore in pebble beach. You mentioned that you may post his .avi in your web site. I was wondering if you are going to post it so i can download it.','Jaime','Noguera','jnoguera@aol.com','',19991006050446); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (68,'Where the hell is the cool clip on the live harvest and the tub where you cured them? You guys Rock!','Morgan D.','','MDaniel1@etrademail.com','',19991023162711); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (69,'i heard about you guys so i bought a computer with cash from my first crop. and now im on.good luck.and yes im sending money for some buttons.','timothy','blalock','tblalock@digital.net','not shure im a beginner',19991107093025); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (70,'friend to the sassy cass king,thanks to you,sweets,for making mention of this fantastic creative outlet/inlet!i\'ll be visiting here always!','t.paul','','t_paul65@hotmail.com','',19991120175245); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (71,'','','','','',19991201075100); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (72,'HELLO MONTEREY... I MISS YOU ALL OF YOU. PEACE, CARE AND UNDERSTANDING TO ALL FROM SEATTLE I MISS YOUR QUIET AND MUSIC.','STANLEY','HOWARD','DARTSTAN','',19991206010806); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (73,'I could not belive it, I came here because i saw the car you people drove away in. Radio Free monterey, So me being the inquring type, i decided to check it out. What do i see.. i see a story RUDLY posted on the front page about ME??? I cant not even fathom why someone with such a venue as this would write about a salesperson at a store. Your life must be very small to belittle those who work for a living while you play. What a shame to all people like yourself who have money enough to buy whatever they want while thier husband acts like a 12 yr old. If my husband acted like that i would leave him in a moment, but then again those who have money usually have no self respect. Please do us all a favor at Circut city, dont come back we dont need your attitude here. What you posted was not only untrue but very very wrong as i allmost had nothing to do with you. Perhaps i should sue but im not that low. Next time your in a store and you see a sales person working hard why not make thier life easier rather then being rude cus we are the little people.','Circut_City_chick','','','',19991208224044); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (74,'dope sight.','Wes','B.','wes_t_bush@hotmail.com','',19991210133534); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (75,'I\'m looking for Afgan seeds','JAMES','COLWELL','either@vaxxine.com','either@vaxxine.com',19991211235506); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (78,'Hey, I found you, right on.','Bruce','Buell','Brucelnd@netscape.net','',20000116021740); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (79,'Great site! ','Jessica','Riggs','info@phoenix-neon.com','http://www.phoenix-neon.com',20000119192525); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (80,'Fantastic site! I lived in Aromas (between Santa Cruz and Monterey) until I was 18, and wish that I could have been involved with a project of this nature during that time. I currently go to UC Davis and am a DJ at the University sponsored freeform community radio station KDVS. Free radio is essential to distribute the views of the people, not the biased propaganda of multinationals. Best of luck!','Scott','Kidder','swkidder@ucdavis.edu','http://www.engr.ucdavis.edu/~swkidder/',20000120160104); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (81,'I heard this place is closing due to lack of funds? is that true? anyway nice site.. see ya in the chat room.','Donker','','','',20000123231322); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (82,'','rene edwin','','','',20000204164518); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (83,'','rene edwin','machuca amaya','rmachuca@hotelsal.com','',20000204164811); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (84,'Site is insanely slow. I cant belive how slow and mucked up this site was took me 10 mins to load it fully on a full DSL connection.

Someone needs to take a class or two on html folks. please i could not even join in due to the slowness of the live feed.','/usr/bin/life','','','',20000208215345); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (76,'In response to the woman at Circuit City:

I deeply apologize if I hurt your feelings. My writing was not intended to hurt anyone, and it was totally idiotic of me to put a piece like that on the front page of RFM anyway. I will never make a mistake like that again. Thank you for pointing out that my attitude is not needed. It\'s true. Your observations of James acting like a 12-year-old and me putting up with more than I should are probably true, too. Women should leave men who act like that, but we don\'t for whatever unfathomable reasons. That is a whole other discussion.

I wish men would grow up, too. I think, many times, that I am a fool for having chosen James, but then there are other times that I feel a passion for life I wouldn\'t feel with an man who had all his adult senses in tact. Many women also lead passionless lives in quiet desperation. Life is a tradeoff. You never get it all.

But at any rate, I hurt you, and I am sorry. I write about a lot of things. In no way did I i ntend to be disparaging on another person or on a company. Thank you very much for writing to us.

Sincerely, in apology...

FlyGirl ','FlyGirl','','','',19991214130150); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (77,'love the show see ya thursday james check your and rodger\'s mai;','Ghostlx','howard','ghostlx@fuse.net','',19991218210658); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (85,'Nnce again this station misses the point. Im not christian Im not gay and im for prop22. While i feel same sex partners should be able to receive benefits for health insurance and other related benefits NO WAY should they be allowed to marry.

Its not about god, darwin or any such thing. its about a bond between a MAN and a WOMAN not a man and man or woman and woman. Mind you i dont condem this type of relationship, i know many gay people and have NO problem with them. I just dont feel that they need to be legaly married when its not for them. Perhaps there is another way to \"Bind\" this kind of relationship but marrige is not the anwser.

Lets stop catering to the fringe special interest groups and save whats left of a screwed up world and America before we all lose what we hold dear, marrige between a man and a woman is one of these things.','Yes_On_22','','','',20000211015952); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (119,'I will tell you this.. You bunch of drug using freaks WILL NEVER ever get a low power FM licence in MY neighborhood.. You can mark my words and set them in stone. Ill call the FCC and report you so quick your heads will spin.. you bunch of useless drugged out jerks .','NoLicForU','','','',20000807232316); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (120,'Greetings from a Libertarian and recovering liberal! I\'ve been looking through your site and think its very well done and entertaining. However I see a great many inconsistancies in your views. You seem to want to end government intrusion on personal issues such as drug use and abortion, yet you would like to see more money directed to BATF and FBI agents for gun control. What makes you think that these agencies (or any other government agencies)would only collect data on \"bad\" things like guns? Just yesterday, L.A. County Sheriffs blew away an 11 year old boy during a drug raid in the middle of the night.I don\'t think we need to rehash the slaughter at Waco or Kent State University to get the point across. The federal, state and local governments have way too much power. We as a people need to make our government follow the Constitution 100%. If we let the government ignore the Second Amendment, what will stop them from ignoring the First Amendment as they did at Kent State? Like you, I think that there is far too much violence in this country. But unlike you I don\' believe that gun prohibition will do one damned thing to stop it. Neither will giving more to the BATF, FBI, IRS or any other governmental clowns. There are reasonable restrictions on all rights (indeed, keeping a gun such as a pistol, shotgun, rifle or revolver for my own defense is a RIGHT.) I don\'t mind instant background checks or raising the age to posess a handgun to 21.But registration? License fees? No. I am a free man. I have the right to protest and assemble peacably with others in protest as they did at Kent Sate. I have the right to practice religion and defend myself against armed thugs as they did in Waco. I hope you understand. I may not agree with alot of your editorials, but I would be willing to risk my ass to defend your right to brodcast them. Libertarians are neither crazy nor stupid. Just consistant.

Thanks ','Rick','','','',20000915165914); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (118,'Drug Abuse kills why do you promote it? Your poppin prozac and smoking dope and we are on to you now there buddy.

Love always .. Eyes that watch from afar.','Drug','Abuse','','',20000727222233); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (95,'Good Morning, I tried to download the application for your station, and nothing happened. Help! Most grateful. T.','T.','Rose','theresean@uahoo.com','',20000221093758); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (96,'T. Rose wrote: Good Morning, I tried to download the application for your station, and nothing happened. Help! Most grateful. T.


Hi T, :-)

Sent you back an email. Hope it helped. If not, write to me at barbara@panix.com. Also we were down for 3 weeks for renovations. Going back up on Feb 23 at 5:00 pm. That could have been the problem. :-)

FlyGirl ','FlyGirl','','','',20000221141124); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (97,'this is lame.. i post something and someone edits it. ','wow','','','',20000222132317); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (98,'I am very proud to be a part of Radio Free Monterey... Thank you guys for all you have done for me and letting me become a part of your family per say... I love you guys bunches... Always, Jennifer...=o)','yaya','','JJTazzer@aol.com','',20000222152435); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (99,'dunno about it, havent visited it yet, cant figure out how to get in....','AcCiDeNt PrOnE','','phred14@hotmail.com','',20000224231055); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (100,'Accident Prone wrote:

dunno about it, havent visited it yet, cant figure out how to get in ------------------------

Hi Accident,

I wrote you back, so I hope I can help you that way. I have also set up a TechSupport@rfmfc.org mailbox if that would be easier. The link is on the index page.

Cheers... ','FlyGirl','','','',20000226150229); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (101,'I just stumbled accidently by your site.I am interested in learning more about RFM and I look forward to joining in the chat room.This will be my first time','Indian','Brave','fftf watts@aol.com','',20000307022909); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (102,'','Melissa','Kelly','honeynymph@mailexcite.com','',20000403111022); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (103,'Hey','Smoke','Smoke','Smoke','Smoke',20000406220349); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (104,'Does anyone know where I can Find more about Yaya I think she rocks !!','Steve','jamieson','stevenjamieson@hotmail.com','',20000419013135); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (105,'Hi guys i was wondering where and how would I look or get something going to broadcast what I have to say ? What do I need ?','Steve','Jamieson','stevenjamieson@hotmail.com','',20000424225542); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (106,'Wowwww, congratulations, really nice!!!','PEPE','MAINA','pepemaina@usa.net','http://www.geocities.com/Soho/Exhibit/9809/',20000426130216); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (107,'If I want to submit a cd for airplay what do I do. Knowing of corse that it may recieve none','Eric','Dexter','adex@altavista.com','http://www.mp3.com/DexterUS',20000429211806); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (108,' Hi Eric and Steve,

You can send us a CD of your stuff to play by sending me email at barbara@panix.com. Then I can give you the address of where to send it.

As to setting up one of these on your own, first you\'ve got to have an idea. Then you have to put all your energy behind it for about a year and get others to believe in it. But to be specific, Steve, please send me email and tell me a little more about your project. What equipment do you already have? What do you want to express with your radio station? Then I can give you a more technical answer.

Good luck!

FlyGirl','','FlyGirl','','',20000507184728); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (109,'Hey Jimmy Keep your garbage to yourself we dont want you in our community. We have enough whining drug users.','Hiro','Jacmas','','',20000520124331); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (110,'Hey Guys I want to be a DJ on Radio Free Monterey I am now broadcasting on Shoutcast if you have Winamp you can tune in to my broadcast you guys are great and i would love to be a part of what you guys say','Petapaw','','petapaw@ns.sympatico.ca','http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/petapaw/wp/wp.htm',20000520180747); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (111,'People want to shoot eath other its just not my problem. I could care less anymore. I will not or ever, turn in legal guns I own cus others are psychos. Lets all thank god George Bush will be elected and Clinton and his Cigars and Lies will be long forgotten. He is a coward and a useless leader.','Not My','Problem','','',20000526223237); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (112,'THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR CARING ABOUT FREE SPEECH AND CIVIL RIGHTS!!! ','Daniel','Haworth','danielh@macs.net','',20000612181249); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (113,'Your commentary on golf as a manifestation of human greed and shortsightedness was appropriately timed and right on. Keep up the good thinking. Live your thoughts.','Peter','','rusyp@mindspring.com','',20000618211638); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (114,'I was just looking for info on starting my own microbroadcaster when I discovered your station. The Frank Zappa kept me hanging around!!! Keep it up! I\'ll be bookmarking and listening in! hmmmmm....sounds like comedy time! VERY DIVERSE!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Nick from Austin','Nick','Travis','ntravis@hotmail.com','',20000619014007); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (115,'none! oh, keep growing.','greg','balgownie','','',20000712011720); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (116,'i think that this is one of the coolest ideas i ever heard of, i just started surfin the net and after i start up a new account i will get back so i can get on the mailing list ','funny','brownies','','',20000713185109); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (117,'Dear Music Director,

My name is Kris Adams, and I represent the band Stewboss. Their music is alternative Americana like Wilco, Whiskey Town and the Jayhawks. I’d like to send you a copy of their debut album, “Wanted A Girl.” They’re very proud of the record and want to share it with as many people as possible. The song, “Fill Station” was recently added at www.soundbreak.com (an all internet radio station) and “Heaven of Mine” was featured in a short film at Sundance Film Festival. They’ve just signed a licensing agreement with the Oxygen Television Network, currently broadcasting into 10 million homes. Please visit www.stewboss.com for more information about the band. If you’re interested in a CD, I’d be happy to forward you one. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards, Kris Adams krisa@peoplepc.com ','','','kris','',20000714175846); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (92,'There were several personal questions asked of us on this guestbook, which I answered, but on second thought decided that my answer invaded the privacy of members of the RFM Staff. I took these posts off the web, where everyone has access to the information.

If anyone wants to know about our finances, which are stable now, or the personal lives of any of our staff members, including myself, they are more than welcome to send me private email. My address is barbara@panix.com.

I would like to thank everyone for their patience and for their time and consderation in this matter. ','FlyGirl','','','',20000215201408); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (93,'','','','','',20000216005045); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (94,'Hi Great idea. I think I have seen this before','Slim','','','',20000220214414); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (91,'I just changed the index page, replacing the picture cut up with javascript with a b/w picture of the station as it looks now, in the middle of our renovation.

I also took out the jpg of our world map. That can be seen on our member index page anyway. I hope this helps with the page-loading problem. If it doesn\'t, let me know.

As to the feed problem, I talked to James and we discovered that he had changed the TCP/IP settings where the feed no longer had its own ISDN line. My network design was that the feed gets one ISDN, and everything else gets routed to the other one, so the feed has a predictable, uninterrupted and stable amount of bandwith.

He is going to change this back again. I am hoping this solves the feed problem. If it doesn\'t I am sure we will hear about it, and we will see what other options are available. ','FlyGirl','','','',20000215170746); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (121,'Hello,

I am writing to inform you of my new release, \"60 To 69, A Music Evolution\". I would like to know if you would be interested in a copy of a CD to consider for airplay? If so, I could mail a promo kit to you. You can see more information about the CD and hear soundbites at my website http://www.tunelink.com where it is now available. Thank you !

60 To 69, A Music Evolution - Chris Di Salvatore

Probably no other time in our modern history was there an experience in the evolution of popular music quite like there was in the 1960’s. This CD is a reflection upon that progressive phenomenon that happened throughout this unique and fascinating decade. Each song captures the atmosphere created by the music of that year, while the lyrics allude to events during the same time. Many popular events in world and music history can be deciphered from the lyrics, which makes listening to this CD a very interesting, as well as a very musically pleasurable experience. Enjoy !

Chris Di Salvatore http://www.tunelink.com tunelink@glx.net (727)394-2912','Chris','Di Salvatore','tunelink@glx.net','http//www.tunelink.com',20000917140920); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (122,'Say hello to Stoney Tony for me. I had to leave the county for a while, i am in Orange county at Golden West College. Before I had left Prunetucky I had called the DOD in Marina, and did a brute-force attack on them to secure the Peace Summit in Egypt and India. My response to allegations of them tampering with other affiliatiions/friends of mine in Egypt were bothering me so I specified that the Manpower Department of Defense was a working facility directly connected to the Credit Lyonnais Bank of Germany,Deautsche Telecom, Morgan Creek, Sprint conglomerate, and to inforce the Peace Summit with Salvatore Ferrgamo, Michael Dimartino of The \"World Unity Festival\" \"Drums Around The World\" and \"The Global Alliance For Intelligent Arts\" or I would re- iterate the same trojan horse that was executed in June 1998. This has nothing to do with you guys. You can talk about it if you want. There has been affirmations of the execution of the Summit in recent news. \"Advertising\" Oct.2,2000. All of this and more I am letting you hold on to for variant reasons. As far as unleashing the hard-drive at this time is not even an option. As for my mother she is staying at a G8 stand alone dorm in San Jose, in Masonic Lodge detail she is acting in contention toward me so I left the county. In part to her and her affiliates of the Williams-Sonoma, Alzheimer\'s (Buck Foundation) -Lacey William\'s who lives on the corner of Mesa and Oak in Carmel-Foundation have received their 50 million for their hospital in Menlo Park, CA. You can contact pavona dot com for more information on wine, Almaden, and the rest of The Saturday Evening Post (Williams Family) Itenerary. As for their supervision on who is drinking in their collective corner, remember to tell them \"Remember Leonard, He says its always best to break cracker\'s when drinking table wine.\" Thankyou The Dancer ','leonard r.','stanley','','www.geo.cities/dancer_shadows/',20001005191636); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (123,'I was listening for a program called \"Bright Lights\" did I miss it I thought it was scheduled for 6pm pst on10/5','Blaine','Hebbel','blainemass@mediaone.net','',20001005212245); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (124,'Yo Berky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!Gotcher message. I\'m so glad you called MA. I\'m listening, so like when is Woody Allen going to move over and let the Berkmeister talk?

Julie (Forman)Clay

Long live EMERSON COLLEGE','Julie','Clay','ednjules@mindspring.com','',20001006181307); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (125,'im going to have some bongs and have a listen this week just found your site, also by looking at what you guys are doing in the usa in regards to growing ganga we aussies kick your butt,i have a bloddy good laugh about people having male plants,WE HAVE A SECRET US AUSSIE GROWERS I HAVE NEVER HAD A MALE PLANT IN MY GARDEN EVER! ALL GIRLS ,so if you would like our SECRET i will help anybody ,us aussies are good blokes ya know ,happy growing wayne. ','wayne','','thorshammer@optusnet.com.au','',20001031170535); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (126,'','Donita','Lien-Chevalier','Secret3368aol.com','',20001112182304); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (127,'','Valerie','Munday','','',20001112182449); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (128,'cheers for very informative site- and good luck to all you green fingered people in the states. susan. australia xxx','susan','emanuel','susan_emanual@hotmail.com','',20001130060236); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (129,'','larry boutilier','evans','larry','',20001208131429); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (130,'','larry boutilier','evans','larry','',20001208131430); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (131,'','larry boutilier','evans','larry','',20001208131431); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (132,'a very good site, different and interesting. thank you for putting it on and good luck in the future.','deliapontic','lazario','la @ yahoo','',20001208132313); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (133,'','rachel and todd','','todd-cw@hotmail.com','',20001221213638); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (134,'hello everybody! how are you guys doing? I hope everything is well. todd and I miss you guys alot! happy winter solstice by the way. we just checked out your web site and it is really cool your never gonna believe this but one of my oldest friends abbey justo is one of the people on your editorial page. She is such an awesome person. it\'s so neat how you guys helped her out you guys are such beautiful people. tell stoney tony sorry i haven\'t sent candy but we don\'t have any money right now, but if you guys send us an adress we will be sure to send you some goodies as soon as todd gets his first pay check. their is a food not bombs hear so as soon as my dad gets better we will start doing that among other things. can you guys beleieve that gorge bush won was that a fucked up election or what it was toattly fixed anyways. you can get my mail address at the end of this letter okay! take care of yourselfs and have a happy new year for it\'s the being of a new millieum for real this time.

love always, rachel and todd rachel 1025 wilder ave pha honolulu, hawaii 96822 if you ever come to hawaii please give me a buzz:8085502686

p.s. if you do know how to get intouch with abbey please give her my info because i would love to see her again thank you!','rachel and todd','','todd_cw@hotmail.com','',20001221214523); INSERT INTO Guestbook VALUES (135,'i\'d just like to say that i think that you are completely oblivious to the real meaning of the second amendment and what it means for our country. to say that people are illeterate and that they don\'t know what they are talking about when they stand up for their right to defend themselves is completely insane. you are one that has issues to deal with when you don\'t even want to stand up for your personal rights. and i see no connection as to how i can be selfish for wanting my family and i to be safe, not to mention the possibility of saving someone\'s life at the time of need. what are you going to do when someone comes into your grocery store and tells you to get on the floor and he takes your family or a hostage. see, the police aren\'t there 24/7, as much as you\'d like to believe that the government is there for you, they aren\'t. the police are good at writing reports and locking up the bad guys, but would you trust one to be right there when you are being held at gunpoint by some scumbag? i would much rather be armed and be able to defend myself than to have to rely on someone that doesn\'t even know that i\'m in trouble to protect me. call that selfish, but i think that everyone should have the right to defend themselves.','ash','miler','boy_crazyblonde@hotmail.com','',20010107190827); # # Table structure for table 'Story' # CREATE TABLE Story ( story_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, story_title varchar(100), story_text longblob, date timestamp(14), sc_id mediumint(8), author_id mediumint(8), PRIMARY KEY (story_id) ); # # Dumping data for table 'Story' # # # Table structure for table 'Story_Category' # CREATE TABLE Story_Category ( sc_id mediumint(8) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment, sc_name char(60) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sc_id) ); # # Dumping data for table 'Story_Category' #