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The Human Factor Behind
I recently tried to write an article
isolating how our view of the human role in IT
became more compassionate after Sept 11.
Juxtaposing two discussions, I thought I had
found a point in time where the mirror changed
reflections, where the way we saw our work had
changed, but that point wasn't really there.
Rick Saia said, "This doesn't seem true to
me. Why don't you just ask them directly, 'Did
Sept 11 make you more compassionate, and change
your attitude about the human factor behind
I did, and the answers I got back were more
complex, thought-provoking, and insighful than
any imagining could have been. Members gave me
permission to share their letters and invite
everyone else to share their views. Barbara
A Steinberg , Computerworld
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Howard , BlueSpline ET Jun 19,
2002 3:22pm (1.)

I can't speak for the whole of the UK, or the
whole of Europe, but I do think we in the old
world have a slightly different view of Sept 11th
than people living in the US. There's no doubt
that the tragic destruction of the WTC, and the
other atrocities at the Pentagon, the infected
packages, etc touched the lives of Europeans.
Although it wasn't the first recent example of
serious terrorism on your mainland - cf. Oklahoma
- I suspect that at the back of many European's
minds was the thought that the US might finally
understand what it's like to live with the threat
of constant terrorism - such as has been the
case in Italy, Spain, Eire, UK, Holland, Germany,
and others over the last few decades. I know this
ignores the fact that the US has a far higher
level of violent crime than any European country
(perhaps all of them put together).
So, did Sept 11th make us more compassionate,
more people focused? I don't think so. I think we,
in Europe, already were.
E Anderson , Bisys ET Jun 19,
2002 3:27pm (2.)

I am having some difficulty answering this
question. I guess the best description is that I
am somewhat "conflicted." The direct answer is
yes, I do feel that Sept 11 made me much more
compassionate about the human factor behind IT. I
find myself much more concerned about IT staffers
and the user experience. I feel much stronger
about their job security and livelihood. But, I
also have a business to run. The extended
recession, slow recovery, and need to turn a
profit has all business leaders looking at ways to
cut costs and manage expenses. Point number two is
in direct conflict with point number one. When
things are tough economically, companies may have
to make difficult decisions that impact a few to
save the many.
Cahill , Loyola University ET Jun 19,
2002 3:40pm (3.)

I read two questions here.
Did Sept 11 make you more compassionate? Yes,
Sept 11 changed me, as it changed us all, the
events of that day where so disturbingly and
profoundly evil that I was severely shaken, and as
time has passed, I have reflectively reshaped my
thinking, values and approaches to life, in many
positive ways.
"Did Sept 11 change your attitude about the
human factor behind IT?" Not in a specific way, I
had developed over my career a very deep respect
for the human factor in IT. Notice the use of in,
rather than behind. So Sept 11 reshaped my
attitudes towards all, and that would include IT,
people. So I still and now even more firmly
believe that people are the value of technology
enterprises. They are not interchangeable, and are
not a commodity. Only through developing,
supporting and compensating long-term employees
can an IT organization grow...
A Puglisi , EMCOR Group, Inc. ET Jun 19,
2002 3:45pm (4.)

I have no more or less compassion for my fellow
staff than I did on September 10 of this year. I
have always valued my staff as team members in
whom I place a great deal of trust. I have always
viewed my customers (so-called users) as
important. I know a manage with a sign in his
office that says, "The customer is the reason we
are here."
9/11 was tragic and changed me, the country and
the world forever. It had many profound effects on
people, myself included. But, I would have to
conclude that I did not change my business
practices, beliefs or methods in any way as a
result. We are more focused on BCP and we continue
to be aware of increased levels of risk in travel
and other daily conduct. But this is the extent of
the impact it has had for me in the business
Howard , BlueSpline ET Jun 19,
2002 3:53pm (5.)

Personal involvement in a tragedy always has
more impact than being 3,000 miles away. Triumph
in the face of adversity, no matter how small,
will pull a team together and make them aware of
each other as people - that's the basis of all
these outward bound/survivor type management
training courses. The WTC, in particular, directly
touched so many people's lives that it is bound to
have a noticeable effect at least in the short
term. As a youngster growing up in the 60s and 70s
a major focus of the entertainment media - films,
comics, books, art, etc - was WWII. Our childhood
heroes were war heroes. The media still flashes
back to this as a theme, but there have been other
wars and society has changed. So a tragedy even of
that magnitude really only impacted directly on
our culture for 20 to 30 years. I predict that WTC
will fade, especially once the space has been
filled in for a few years with new buildings.
It's going to become one of the totem questions
for the next 50 years - do you remember where you
were when you heard about the destruction of the
WTC? Rather like - where were you when you heard
that Kennedy had been shot? Unfortunately, it will
carry no value.
S Hemmady , Bidwell ET Jun 19,
2002 3:55pm (6.)

On the topic of post 9/11, I think that now
that the scars have healed, I can't say compassion
rules. Back then my point on disaster recovery was
that while systems have redundancies that can be
kicked into high gear when things fail, humans
don't! As a result when disaster strikes, the
one's least impacted physically are often most
vulnerable at a psychological level and their
performance can be hindered severely. The
'survivors' experience a severe 'survivor
syndrome' and experience high levels of anxiety
and guilt. Under such circumstances, their
performance is just not predictable - some rise to
the occasion while others just can't. Some have
lingering issues afterwards. Some are impacted at
a personal level and won't be able to respond. I
was just curious in that dialog to see if others
had seen the same impact as I had.
J Gray , Pacific Gas and Electric Co
ET Jun
19, 2002 3:57pm (7.)

I am not sure 9/11 changed my views on the
human factor behind IT because fundamentally, it
has always been about people and communication in
my judgement and not about IT. I think that the
thing many people learned from 9/11 is that DR is
fine for losing infratstructure, but what happens
when you lose 80% of your company like the one
bond trading company did.
9/11 has had virtually no impact on how we view
disaster recovery and emergency management because
we always have planned for major events. I guess
the only way we look at 9/11 that is different is
that we (as a company) can do a lot to mitigate
the impacts of things like earthquakes e.g.
seismic improvements of facilities, etc.), but I
am not sure what we do to stop terrorist attacks.
L Goldberg , IMG Americas, Inc. ET Jun 19,
2002 4:48pm (8.)

I'm trying not to be too cynical, the
compassion after 9/11 was wide spread; it was
touching to find human beings could be so human.
The emotions, the gestures the acts of giving and
caring were, maybe, unsurpassed in all of time and
yes this definitely flowed over into the IT / End
user dynamic. I definitely experienced a change
from my own perspective and the inbound attitude
from others definitely eased up, at least for
awhile. Unfortunately, the human memory is short,
and people need to be continuously reminded....
maybe 30-45 days after 9/11 the hammer re-appeared
in my IT world and the old attitudes
Maybe people are mostly afraid (anxious might
be a better word) quite a bit of the time and move
back and forth between the different things that
scare them. We each react differently, in many
cases strong emotions emerge from what is unknown
to us, what scares us, some times with anger, some
times we reach out with love. Well 9/11 scared us
plenty, it made us mad and it made us love each
other a lot more. Technology is a mystery to many,
it scares many and it makes many quite mad at
times.... I personally am still waiting for the
love to emerge!
l Hudson , Hudson ET Jul 11,
2002 8:00am (9.)

I believe all of us were touched by the events
of Sept.11th, but those without compassion or
empathy for people in I.T. before 9/11 probably
are still the same. Most of the CIOs I talk with
during the course of a year are aware of the human
condition in I.T. and I doubt if this changed as
well. Unless you are located in New York City you
shouldn't have strayed to far off your course. The
CIO/CTO job is too demanding to let you fail to
perform due to a tragic situation in a distant
location. All successful I.T. executives have good
to excellent interpersonal skills and a real
regard for their staffs. I don't think the events
of 9/11 materially changed many CIO/CTOs.
C Wiff , Dover Corporation ET Jul 11,
2002 1:09pm (10.)

I work in Manhattan since January 2002, but
still live outside NYC. People in NYC are pretty
focused on the whole 9/11 thing, but I observe
that the level of concern/compassion among New
Yorkers was higher then than it is now. Outside of
NYC, in the rest of America, there is some degree
of feeling that it is time to get over it and move
on. The comment from Mike Howard reflects a view I
found common from outside the U.S.; which was,
this goes on lots of places, now it's happened to
you, it's very tragic and sad, but don't think
you're completely unique - we've all been there
for a while.
For people who lost someone personally close to
them, or lived close to the site, 9/11 may prove
to be a life-changing event. For others, I don't
think it will change their fundamental character.
People will return to their routine, with
adjustments as necessary for changes like air
travel security. I can't see that interpersonal
relationships for millions will be significantly
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